Show Season has concluded.

I realize I haven’t updated the blog since June.

I guess it’s because summer is my favorite season and I was just too busy having fun. I was also occupied by show prep and learning how to make it through one.

And thankfully, I made it though them all and came out better for it on the other side. I know now that I need to scale back my travel radius until we can swing a larger vehicle since my little Rav4 can’t hold anything more than the essentials. A big part of the fun is bringing my family along and I really missed that this year.

I’ve made a lot of progress and am looking forward to next year’s shows!

This is me on my way home from Norfolk, VA, which was my last show of the season. As you can see, the car is still packed pretty full. This was after I had sold most of my inventory and left even more with Stravitz Gallery.

Not pictured are the four tent bags strapped to the luggage rack. They do make a powerful whistle all the way home that a podcast and earbuds fail to dull.


Reliqueries and the Brasstown Carvers


Juggling Act