While We Are Together
“Let union be in all our hearts. Let all our hearts be joined as one.”
That’s a line from our Church of Brasstown hymnal. (I promise we are not a cult, we just joke about it.)
It is always led by our friend and neighbor, Robert Forsyth, whenever we gather for a special meal, wedding or other celebration. My son says it makes him feel as happy as a Christmas song and I tend to agree.
I have plenty of complaints about my community at large. My close-knit community, a.k.a. chosen family, is what keeps me here.
I was thinking of them as I created this piece, each gathered in a semi-circle, glowing brightly.
“We’ll end the day as we begun. We’ll end it all in pleasure.”
“While We Are Together” 18’ x 24’ Oil and Metal Leaf on Canvas